In The News
Syncsort positioned to bring Big Data to the IBM i
Big Data is here to stay. If you are looking to get a better understanding of how this will play out in the IBM i market, read this article from IT Jungle.
What IT Spending Forecasts Tell Us About the Future of IT
IT spending patterns make it clear that we are in a software and cloud-based world.
IBM Expands Mobile-led Transformation the Enterprise
What you need to know about what IBM has been doing in the mobile space. In June IBM expanded its mobile portfolio for enterprises with a push to create analytics-driven and cognitive enabled enterprise iOS apps.
Infor’s artificial intelligence strategy: advise, augment, and automate
AI is accelerating automation in the enterprise. Here is a good article on how Infor is making it happen.
5 Ways to Get Started with Machine Learning
Here is a great article (with a short video) that breaks down Machine Learning as well as ways you can start to put it to use. It’s really cool stuff and is transforming the world we live in.
Jump-start your career with open source skills
So, you are an IBM i developer and are looking to get into open source development but you are not sure where to start. This article covers a number of possible avenues you can take.
10 Ways to Keep Your Programming Skills Sharp Between Jobs
Keeping up to date in the fast-moving world of programming is an ever-present issue for developers. This is something the IBM i community is having to come to grips with. Technology is advancing at an incredible rate. This translates into the need to be proactive in your career.
Open Source
If you are looking for a better understanding of what Node.js is and how it is being used. Then be sure to read the results this worldwide survey. Node.js is taking the developer community by storm.
Here a little insight into the beta release of Bootstrap 4. We have talked to many IBM i developers who have started to venture down this path as a solution to front-end development.